Helen's Homeopathy

RSHom BSc Hon

Free 15 minutes telephone consultation

Can Homeopathy help you?

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Initial consultation

The initial consultation lasts up to 90 minutes. I will work on your case, prescribe a homeopathic remedy and then post it out to you.

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Follow up consultation

This consultation is up to 45 minutes and is to asses how the remedy has worked for you. The remedy may be repeated or a different remedy prescribed. The remedy is included in the consultation.

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Special offer

Three consultations for £150

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Homeopathic consultations

This usually takes up to 90 minutes as I need to take down lots of information about you to find the right remedy for you. I need to know about your likes and dislikes and what makes your symptoms better and worse. After this consultation I analysis your case and send you a remedy that is specific to you and your condition.

Allergy package

3 x 55 minuet appointments 4 to 5 weeks apart, specifically addressing your allergy issues. With email support in between appointments, remedies included.

Menstrual/ menopause package

3x 55 minuet appointments specifically looking into hormonal issues relating to cycle or the menopause. The appointments are monthly with email support between appointments, remedies will be posted out.

  • 11 Bence Lane, Darton, Barnsley S75 5NX, UK
  • Working face to face or on-line appointments

Homeopathy is a natural complementary therapy, promoting better health. It can be used to improve many conditions. Book your free discovery call click the arrow at the bottom of this page to make an online booking.

Homeopathy is an holistic therapy using natural remedies to help many conditions, such as: asthma, hayfever, menopause, infertility, period problems, anxiety and stress, bowel disorders like IBS. It works by strengthening your immune system and therefore making you less susceptible to illness.
I first became interested in Homeopathy after I used homeopathy to recovered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. My daughter has since been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue and is now starting to regain her health with Homeopathy.
I therefore have a special interest in ME
I started using homeopathy in 2001 when my son was born and later went on to study at the North West College of Homeopathy.
I studied  Science at Newcastle University graduating in 1989.

After your consultation, you will be given or sent a remedy that best matches your whole symptom picture, with instructions on how to take the remedy. Guidance will be given about staying in touch after you have received your remedy. The costs includes remedies and checking in via telephone/ email regarding any queries and alterations to remedies as required for the following 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, where required, an in-depth follow up consultation is recommended.

Initial Consultation price

  • A 90 minutes consultation

Follow up consultation

  • A 45 minutes consultation

Limited time 3 consultations

  • A block of 3 consultations for one person.£150


  • 24 hours before consultation
  1. What is Homeopathy from the Homeopathic institute - frequently asked questions
  2. HRI – Homeopathy FAQs (hri-research.org)
  3. BMJ Paediatric Open publishes homeopathy – Society of Homeopaths (homeopathy-soh.org)
  4. What is homeopathy? – Society of Homeopaths (homeopathy-soh.org)
  5. Die 500 wichtigsten Homöopathie-Studien auf einen Blick - jede im Kurzporträt - Blog zu Homöopathie (homoeopathiewatchblog.de) 
  6. On March 29, 2016, the Ministry of Health in Switzerland decided to grant four complementary therapies, including homeopathy and traditional Chinese medicine, the same status as conventional medicine. These measures are to take effect by May 2017. Switzerland Recognises Homeopathy. Here's Why. - Alternative Medicine College of Canada
  7.  I don't know how, but homeopathy really does work | Life and style | The Guardian 
I studied homeopathy at The North West College of Homeopathy. Homeopathy is a 4 year course. I first  became interested in homeopathy when I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (25 years ago) homeopathy enabled me to return to work and live a normal life.
I love studying homeopathy and helping my patients to over come their health problems.
Homeopathy was part of the NHS, there used to be homeopathic hospitals, within the NHS, it is such a shame that more people do not understand how homeopathy can benefit their health.